
[单选题]You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 computer. You are configuring a database for an inventory application. The hard disks on your server are configured as shown in the exhibit.

The operating system files are located on drive C. Your database will store a maximum of 6 GB of data and requires a maximum of 2 GB of disk space for the transaction log.
You want to optimize database performance. What should you do
A.Add a 2-GB transaction log to drive D, a 3-GB data file to drive E, and a 3-GB data file to drive F
B.Add a 1-GB transaction log to drive C, a 1-GB transaction log to drive D, a 3-GB data file to drive E, and a 3-GB data file to drive F
C.Add a 1-GB transaction log to drive E, a 1-GB transaction log to drive F, a 3-GB data file to drive E, and a 3-GB data file to drive F
D.Add a 2-GB transaction log to drive F, a 3-GB data file to drive D, and a 3-GB data file to drive E


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