
[问答题]5 The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is currently in a joint project with the Accounting Standards
Board (ASB) in the UK and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in the USA in the area of reporting
financial performance/comprehensive income. The main focus of the project is the development of a single statement
of comprehensive income to replace the income statement and statement of changes in equity. The objective is to
analyse all income and expenses and categorise them in a way that increases users’ understanding of the results of
an entity and assists in forming expectations of future income and expenditure. There seems to be some consensus
that the performance statement should be divided into three components being the results of operating activities,
financing and treasury activities, and other gains and losses.
(a) Describe the reasons why the three accounting standards boards have decided to cooperate and produce a
single statement of financial performance. (8 marks)


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