
[单选题]server’s msdb database in an e-mail message to the administrator of another SQL Server computer.
You create a job that contains the following steps:
--Detach the msdb database
--Send the database to the administrator in an e-mail message
--Reattach the msdb database
You test the job, and it fails on the first step. You need to ensure that the msdb database is mailed to the administrator every night.
What should you do
A.Ensure that the SQLServerAgent service is running under a user account that has database owner access to the msdb database
B.Delete the first and last steps in the job
C.Configure the job to back up the msdb database to a temporary file. Send the file to the administrator in an e-mail message
D.Insert a new job step before the first step. Configure the new step to terminate all processes that use the msdb database


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